Full Circle


Someone once asked me about Wyld Construction Cop and marriage. The original post is here and acts as a prequel. I figured Valentine’s Day was as good a time as any to see how things would pan out. No warnings this time. Just sappy romantic things. Yuck! 

Happy Valentine’s Day! 🙂

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Now he’s ready to rumble!
I wanted to create an outfit that fits him perfectly with with his badass character, having him dress up in present day police uniform doesn’t quite suit his aggressive behavior nor when he engages into combat. And at least he does not feel out of place in the world of the robo verse, with all the robots, micro managers, perfect metropolis and don’t forget Lord Business crazy get up. Besides his laser gun, he is equippet with stun gloves, a shock baton, gravity boots, grenades, smoke bombs and UI scanners. Knows some martial arts and masters close quarted combat.
