Shark for the uncommon character development questions – 1, 2, 4, 14, 28, 29

already answered 1 and 2 in the fuCKING MEGAPOST X’D

4. Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?

OMFg that’s a great one. I’m sure when he’s angry he can sometimes trip over words.  When he’s angry he tends to get less eloquent and half of the words that come out are some tense of FUCK or SHIT or some other fun swearword.  I’m dyin cuz I can imagine him getting like this if someone asked him a bunch of personal questions. “WHAT DO WE KNOW EACHOTHER? GEH- WH- TAKE-” GOD. FJkshdg I can definitely imagine shark getting sputtery/bad with words if he’s havin feels he doesn’t deal with so well ie: love, trying to comfort someone, embarrassment, shyness etc

14. Are they a team player or do they prefer to be solo?

He’s definitely able to work with others if he has to.  He runs a police department, he has to be good at that sometimes. But he does prefer to go solo when he can.  He hates it when people make it harder for the team by being stubborn though, so he knows that can’t always happen.

28. Are they afraid of death? Do they have any regrets?

He’s not really afraid to die for what he thinks is right, but he does like to stay alive- since you’re not any good to any cause dead. (except the enemies’)  He probably regrets not being closer to his family while he had the chance, and probably regrets saving his own skin and not trying harder to bust out his family or look for them.  He also probably regrets being so hard on people/not letting anyone in.

29. Does your character get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Why?

They absolutely favor solitude and silence.  Certain noises/people around can really disrupt Shark’s calm and focus.  He absolutely fucking hates it when someone nearby is fidgeting and disrupting the quiet.  He’ll go apeshit if you’re in his office while he’s reading and you start clicking a pen or something.

1 2 3 12 20 25, for miles, shark and marko 8)

1. What position do your characters sleep in? Why?

Shark: Shark probably sleeps on his back.  Easy to spring out of bed if he needs to, and not so easy for someone to hurt him.  Never sleeps on his front.  When he has to share a room with Marko later on he sleeps on his side though, turned toward the wall so he doesn’t have to look at him because he’s a grumpy turd.

Miles:  I imagine miles sleeps on his side, and usually kindof curled up a little.  He never lets anyone see him sleep- because he’s the most vulnerable at night when he’s alone with his thoughts, and when he’s sleeping.  The man isn’t a heavy sleeper.  He’s needed to train himself not to be, but he’s not a light one either.  He works so damn hard all the time he’s usually exhausted.  Also he gets cold easily, so he bundles up in blankets.

Marko: Marko will sleep in any position but usually he sleeps on his side or stomach.  He’s a really big cuddler too- so he’ll cling to anyone he’s sleeping with.  Often sleeping half on them or spooning them, or curling up as the little spoon. 

2. Does your character have any noteworthy features? Freckles? Dimples? A scar somewhere unusual? etc.

Shark:  He has three main facial scars, two cutting through his right eyebrow and a large slash across his nose and cheeks.  He has stylized gill patterns tattooed on his neck because of his nickname (what a nerd)

Miles:  Because Miles is part alien, he has sharp teeth, and creepy eyes with pupils that collapse into + shapes in high light conditions and open up into big circular pupils in low light.  He also has some freckle-like patches of non-human skin which he usually covers up with makeup.  His alien skin is mostly red- but can be pinkish or orange in places/ and in certain light.

Marko: Marko basically has the face of a male model.  He’s somehow managed to keep it free of scars, even though he’s been hit plenty of times.  He bleaches the frontmost tips of his hair, but otherwise his hair is a dark brown.

3. Does your character have an accent? What does it sound like?

Shark:  Shark has a New York accent, but its not incredibly noticeable when he’s calm.  He sounds a lot like this guy when he’s not hamming it up to teach the accent.  When he’s pissed off though, (which is most of the time) he sounds more like robert deniro or john doggett from the x files I guess.  More on the Robert DeNiro end of the spectrum probably.

Miles: Miles learned german first as a child, but grew up speaking english as well.  He can speak english completely without a german accent and it takes a lot to get him to slip into an accent.  He has to be absolutely livid to slip into the accent or even start speaking german.  Tbh I still don’t have a good example for what he sounds like most of the time because I’m still not sure what I want him to sound like X’D  A generic non-regional american accent is probably it.  Maybe that accent that you cant rly decide whether its english or american? Like it’s on the fence of both. IDK.

Marko: Marko grew up speaking Hindi and English equally.  Half of his family was indian and half was not.  He was taken from them at a young age though, and hadn’t encountered many others who spoke Hindi at blacktron, so while he could probably still speak some, he’s lost most of it.  He has a generic non-regional american accent though now.  I really cannot find good examples fjhsdkg its so hard for me to voice-headcanon my own characters unless the voice is what I start with but I guess John Krasinski is KINDOF a good example??? though not completely idk, just that kindof modern and cute?? Except idk… sometimes he goes valley girl but he’s not always like that X’D 

12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.

oh boy this ask is gonna get rly long

Shark: -even being the tough guy persona he is, he LOVES food and sweets- and since he’s basically this brick wall of muscle and he works out a lot he’s hungry all the time.  He’s embarrassed of this and doesn’t like people to know about it- especially the sweet tooth.

-even though shark barely spent any time in NYC he has the accent.  His parents both did and so he was around it even when they moved to the space colony he spent most of his childhood in.

-shark really likes physical contact but because of his emotional constipation and tough guy attitude he hardly lets anyone close enough to do that.  Donna will occasionally give him hugs (even though he protests) cuz she knows he needs that every once in a while.

i cant think of anything else and for the sake of keeping this post to a reasonable length im gonna just do 3 per character fjlskdkgj

Miles: – Miles really likes collecting things.  Some of it probably stems from the fact that when he was younger he was so dirt poor he couldnt buy the necessities in life.  Now that he has money he loves being able to get what he wants.  He’s collected weapons, clothes, and many other things.

-Miles loves fashion.  He often dresses up in extravagant garb that’s completely impractical for the setting and his job, just because he can.  He likes looking good and feeling powerful, and his clothes help him feel that way.

-He actually used to be really clumsy as a small child.  Since he was tall and gangly he was made fun of, and beaten on a lot because of it.  He worked extremely hard to better his coordination and now he loathes being anything except the epitome of grace.

Marko: -Marko is actually pretty charismatic despite the fact that he’s let his thirst for revenge fester inside him.  He can get along with most people, even if he doesnt like them- he can at least pretend to.  He can adapt himself to fit most social settings if he wants to.

-Marko is not opposed to having platonic casual sex with just about anyone he likes.  Sex isn’t something that’s strictly tied to romance for him.

-While he may appear to have himself together- marko is constantly at war with himself.  He never feels like he’s done good enough, he always regrets the collateral damage he causes and the innocent people he hurts in his thirst for revenge, and he bottles up his hatred to the point where it’s completely unhealthy.  Shark makes no effort to bottle up his hatred for the blacktron, but Marko has pushed it so far down inside he’s been able to work amongst them for most of his life and still use it to fuel his sabotage attempts.

20. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why?

Shark and Marko would probably both like to murder whoever holds the highest /most important office in the blacktron ranks.  They both want them to pay for the damage they’ve caused.  Taking them away from their parents- probably KILLING their parents (Shark never knew what happened to his- but Marko saw his own parents die) and the countless acts of cruelty to hundreds of thousands of other people.

Miles: I’m not actually sure.  He might actually want to do the same, if he was interested in taking over.  Otherwise, he’d probably love to make the bullies from his childhood pay for what they’d done to him.  And he kindof has in a way.  He may not have gotten to punish the same exact people, but he’s definitely killed many like them.

25. Do they have any weird bedroom habits? Any unusual kinks?

omfg mads

Shark: Shark is pretty vanilla.  He might find out more kinks if he wasn’t so emotionally constipated and embarrassed about that shit.  He kindof cant admit to himself or others that he has things like that.  Though dang he does get off on hate/rough sex.  And he is a definite dom.  For some reason being angry just makes it feel twice as good for him.  Also later on when Marko surprises him by wearing lingerie in the bedroom he finds out he has a thing for that

Miles: Miles is hella sadistic and dominant :S to an unhealthy extent a lot of the time (hey, he’s a bad guy- I’m not defending this shit) He often likes doing things to his partners and staying fully clothed and composed himself.  He gets off on just making them beg and scream.  He loves employing orgasm denial too.

Marko: Marko is pretty much up for most stuff as long as it isn’t too weird or disgusting.  He’s had sex with a few aliens, loves slow building stuff that gets his anticipation up for long periods of time, ie: wearing a buttplug in public or going somewhere with a vibrator in LOL. He likes wearing lingerie too.  Marko is a switch, meaning he can be dominant or submissive but he generally likes being submissive.  He is often a power bottom though- calling the shots, ordering his partners etc…  Marko just- he likes all kinds of stuff LOL.  Bit of an exhibitionist as well.  Probably doesn’t like being caught so much… but he likes the thrill that he might get caught.

SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG AND RAMBLY.  I hope it wasn’t too incoherant fjhskjg