after I came out as trans, my mom suggested I should fuck a girl because I might realize I’m just a butch lesbian instead and not need to do all that “surgery stuff”, so yeah, I’d def say cis people are weirdly obsessed with sex with this stuff

yeah like???? cis people cannot seem to get the difference between sexuality and identity they all think “oh its the same thing right?” nO

ugh god im sorry you had to deal with that.  Yeah, mom feels like im lesbian now, but she wouldn’t accept that back in highschool when I said I might be!? (i didnt have myself figured out back then, i kinda didnt even know i cOULD be trans) but ive told her on several occasions I actually like guys MORE, I’m pan so i’m attracted to all genders but that has nothing to do with my identity, or at least it has very very little.  They’re not the same thing. -flops- Asexual people can be trans, straight people can be trans, gay people can be trans.

najatapl said: Well, bras just need to be fitted well. If anything is poking you anywhere (especially the wiring), it most likely is not.

tbh it didn’t do this when i first got it.  It’s old though, so its started to get angry with me LOL

lionofthedice reblogged your post:fuck so today i have to go to this appointment mom…

Crossing my fingers that the pastor ends up happily surprising you and understanding it better than your mom

thanks ;; im hoping thats how it goes too.

chaosorganizer said: you have bees? Q A Q *grabby Hands* is this a mod?

najatapl said: wait wait wait, where do you get the bees from? :O

oops sorry for the late reply guys, but I’ve been hooked on a modpack offered through the technic launcher that includes a bunch of different awesome mods but my two favorite are Pam’s Harvestcraft and the archeology revival mod.

Pam’s Harvestcraft is awesome for people like me who love hoarding food??? in minecraft for some reason??????? Like that’s always the first thing I try to do when I start a new world is get all the different food (idk i like food irl so i guess in videogames i do too X’D) but that mod is where the bees come from! It also ads TONS of new crops, and fruits and you can make fairly complex food with them! I’ve made stuff like pumpkin soup, mushroom risotto, watermelon smoothies etc-

you can find beehives around and if you break them you get a queen bee.  You can build an apiary to put her in and she’ll produce wax and honey, and SOMETIMES bee grubs.  You can use a presser to process the wax and honey into usable forms etc- and the bee grubs are used for making new queen bees cuz the hives aren’t incredibly common.  They’re not crazy rare, but theyre not renewable either so.

The other mod i mention adds some AWESOME SHIT.  you can mine fossils, and it adds some cool structures that you’ll occasionally come across like shipwrecks and temples etc- it also adds nautilus and coelacanths to the water- they spawn like squid, but a bit less common.  You can right click em to pick them up and carry em around and then right click again to put them back (IN WATER OR THEYLL DIE)

ALSO, you can dig up dinosaur bones and pretty much reenact the plot of jurassic park LOL you can use special machines to cultivate dino DNA and eventually have pet dinosaurs (SOME ARE DANGEROUS) but i havent done all that yet since it takes a fair amount of preparation!

all in all its a really fun modpack and those are only two specific mods in it that i could remember off the top of my head – there’s a lot more and theyre all pretty cool UvU

madamateur said: I used to be a lego cop like you, but then I took an arrow in the EVERYTHING

omFG MADS.  Well at least he didn’t get an arrow in the dick this time fjkhs



meveret said: it’s ok, they didn’t hit the jet pack
