pretty freaked out cuz last night was the SECOND time in the month I’ve had some type of dream about getting brain or spinal surgery.  <:’S

I feel like talking about it so I guess I’ll put it under a cut (don’t read if brain/spinal surgery/hospital stuff or mention of terminal illness freaks you out) 

last night’s was like, I found out I had some kind of growth on my spine in my neck, and so I was freaked out about it, and since I was so stressed out I got into a fight with a teenager that took one of my sketchbooks and started ripping it up? But it was like, I was just trying to stop him from fucking up my sketchbook and he flipped out and was trying to hit me with rocks but I was able to get them away from him before he could deal any damaging blows and he tired himself out so much that he ran off and like almost passed out? And I found out later that this wasn’t the first time he’d gotten hurt in a fight but last time the parents had sued the other person for “attacking him” when it was the little shit that started it and was trying to fuckin KILL ME WITH ROCKS.  But I got out of it because I had to be rushed to the hospital cuz some results came back and they had to do surgery on me like RIGHT AWAY and they said it was gonna take like 11 hours and it was so fucking scary holy shit, mom was there and she seemed really worried and they weren’t telling me much, except I knew it was bad because I asked mom if I was gonna be ok and she didn’t answer.  wtf are my dreams anymore…

The other one was weirder tho- it was like, the future I guess? And they had these mind enhancing surgeries you could participate in to help your vision/cognitive abilities etc but it was new so i was one of the test people and got it for free or something- but basically all it was was them sticking a needle in the back of your neck and it hit??? some nerve? and somehow that made you superhuman LOL but omfg it was one of those dreams where you could actually feel pain and it was freaky and I had to learn how to take the special needle out and put it back in and just -shivers-



Vintage Valentines: Universal Horror Valentine stickers by Norman Saunders, 1966 (via)